The PC port of person 4 Dorado, which was launched by 2020, will not be compatible with the next Steam Deck platform of Valve. Earlier this week, a list of games that will be compatible with Steam Deck in the launch began to appear online. And although numerous titles can be played on the platform when it begins to be distributed at the end of February, p4g becomes one of a handful of games that will not work for one reason or another.
As seen on the store page for Person 4 Dorado in Steam, it is clearly indicated that the title can not work with Steam Deck. «Valve tests indicate that this title is not compatible with Steam Deck. Part or all this game currently does not work in Steam Deck, said a message about Persons 4 Golden's Availability on the platform. While this is surely disappointing for those who wanted to experience p4g by themselves in Steam Deck, this does not mean that it will be a permanent problem. In fact, the message on the game page continues saying that Valve is still working to «Add support for this game in Steam Deck».
What is quite fun of this situation is that it actually maintains the PlayStation Vita, which is the now discontinued portable platform of Sony, something relevant. Before reaching the PC, Persona 4 Dorado was an exclusive game for Vita. And although some thought that Steam Deck would finally do Persona 4 playable on another portable device outside of Vita, well, that will not be true for the time being. If you are someone who specifically wants to experience p4g on a platform that you can take with you while traveling, Vita will remain your only option in the foreseeable future.
If you are going to buy a Steam Deck at some point this year, are you discouraged when you see that Persona 4 Dorado Will not it be a game that will work at the hardware? Let me know your own reaction to this in the comments, or you can send me a message on Twitter a @ mooreman12.
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