Pokémon GO is ending the year with a month full of new Shiny Pokémon, intriguing events and many bonuses. Today early, Ni antic published its monthly summary of the next events for the month of December for Pokémon Go. The month not only includes the traditional End of New Year Event, but also an intriguing event that involves a milestone in the Tesla region (That should result in the introduction of a new Pokémon to Pokémon IR ), but also a Pokemon of great progress of solid research and the return of three legendary Pokémon with new brilliant forms.
December's events include a day of incense for Swing on December 6, a DragonSPIRAL descent event from December 7 to December 12 and the holiday event from December 16 as of December 31st. The Swing Incense Day will offer players a greater chance of catching Swing (with its fully evolved way Mo swine learning the Community Day Charged Move Ancient Power), while the holiday event will have new Pokémon disguised. The Dragon spiral Decent event is inspired by the Dragon spiral Tower of Pokémon black and white and its sequela games, but no other details have been provided. Fans believe that the event could present Druddigon's debut, a dragon-type Pokémon of the Cecelia region that has not yet appeared in Pokémon Go.
December will also see the return of the legendary Pokémon Yeshiva, Zero and System, the Pokémon mascot of Pokémon white and black and Pokemon black 2 and white 2. An interesting possibility is that Pokémon Go could introduce changes in shape for System, similarly to How the game introduced a change in shape for Hoop last month. System can be merged with Yeshiva and Zero into the main series games, which could be easily replicated with the mechanics of change recently added in Pokémon GO. Pokémon Go also presents Mega Steel ix as a new mega evolution in December.
Another important bonus that will arrive in December is the Research Breakthrough bonus. Players will get a guaranteed meeting with Dan when they complete an advance of research by completing field research tasks in seven separate days. Dan is a rare Pokémon in Pokémon Go so this is an important improvement of the previous me etches of Research Breakthrough.
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